
Finding the right material for hotmelt moulding is an art in itself.

In the hotmelt moulding process, the machines work at relatively low temperatures and far lower injection pressures than for normal plastic injection moulding.

That protects the parts, cures quickly and is relatively inexpensive.

This has no affect on process quality: our hotmelt casting materials are equally suited to connectors, sensors and whole assemblies. They withstand permafrost and medium oven temperatures, they resist salt and alcohol and can be turned into any desired shape.

The short cooling times mean that there are only a few seconds to completely enclose even the most filigree parts without leaving any cavities and to still come out of the machine undistorted. We offer comprehensive consulting, take care of tool design and construction and also provide the entire processing technology from the tank to the extruder; in fact, all you have to do is to choose the colour.

Benefit from our comprehensive material know-how - and from the fact that we therefore advocate just one trustworthy partner: THERMELT.